

Adolescence is a period characterised by significant changes in psychological, physical, social and intellectual development. You may sometimes feel disturbed, experience rapid mood fluctuations or occasionally have negative feelings. Do not worry too much! They are just part of life.

“Sharing”, “Mind” and “Enjoyment” are useful and simple tools that can make your adolescent life healthier, happier and more meaningful. These tools will also help you overcome challenges in your life and improve your mental well-being.

If you wish to get more information about psychosocial health of adolescents, you may also visit the website of Student Health Service of the Department of Health.


  1. Express your gratitude or praise others

    By simply saying “thank you” for every help you receive, or by saying “good work” to encourage a classmate who has improved his/her academic performance, you will be able to spread the benefits of being joyful.

  2. Be kind and helpful

    You will feel good by being kind and helpful. For example, you can take part in volunteer work or help your classmates with their homework.

  3. Meet up with friends

    Share your sorrow and joy with your trusted friends.

  4. Voice out to gain support from others

    Talk to people like your parents, teacher, social worker or psychologist for support and help when difficulty arises.

  5. Get along and communicate with your family members

    Having a better and closer relationship with your family members can make you feel good. Share the bits and pieces of your daily life with your family members, so that they can share your worries and provide support to you in return.

If you want to watch the video, please click here (Available in Chinese version only).


  1. Be hopeful

    Optimism helps you deal with difficulties better and even brings you better health. Be alert when pessimistic belief arises and try to find hope even in a difficult situation. For example, if you fail a mathematics test, you can think “there may be some concepts that I have not yet understood, I should study more and discuss with my teacher and classmates” or “ I’ll put more efforts to improve”, instead of “I’m stupid”.

  2. Pay attention to yourself

    Explore and pay attention to your own feelings and needs regularly.

  3. Believe in yourself

    Write down all the things that give you a sense of achievement and recognise the strengths and skills you possess. Utilise your strengths in different areas.

  4. Set goals in life

    Set goals according to your own ability, then make plans and take steps to achieve them. Review your goals and actions regularly, recognise the improvement you have made and move on.

  5. Be grateful

    When you encounter difficulty or feel insufficient and want to complain, think of the things that you already have. You can become a more grateful person by taking time every day to think of the positive things that happened.

If you want to watch a related video, please click here (available in Chinese version only).


  1. Discover and develop your interests

    Identify and engage in activities that you are interested in and turn them into your hobbies.

  2. Take notice of your surroundings

    If you keep your curiosity fresh and pay attention to your surroundings, you can further discover the wonderful things around you, such as enjoying warm sunshine after a cloudy day and using your favourite stationary.

  3. Enjoy your private space and time

    Spending time on your own for a while can help you feel relaxed. For example, you can take a nice warm bath or shower to relax your muscles and improve your mood.

  4. Engage in physical activities

    Appropriate physical activities not only improve your physical health, but also help you relax physically and mentally, cope better with stress and enhance academic performance. Some examples are running, swimming, dancing and ball games.

  5. Engage in activities that can maximise your potential

    Maximise your potential by engaging in activities that can develop your strengths or talents. For example, you can learn singing in a choir or join a ball team.

If you want to watch a related video, please click here (available in Chinese version only).