

  1. Engage in and enjoy activities that you are interested in

    Turn these activities into your hobbies, such as taking leisure walks, listening to  music and reading.

  2. Regularly engage in physical activities or mind-body exercises that you are interested in

    Some examples are hiking, swimming, running, ball games, tai chi, yoga and meditation.

  3. Be curious and pay attention to your surroundings

    An example is exploring and savouring the beauty of nature.

  4. Learn something new that you like

    Some examples are learning new sport skills and learning how to cook a new dish.

  5. Maximise your potential by engaging in activities that can further develop your strengths or talents

    One example is to take photos of beautiful scenery.



Enjoy reading and listening to music in Hong Kong Public Libraries Enjoy reading and listening to music in Hong Kong Public Libraries.

Join the activities that you are interested in Join the activities that you are interested in.

Plan your hiking route Plan your hiking route.

Play the sports that you are interested in Play the sports that you are interested in.

Visit museums to appreciate beautiful things Visit museums to appreciate beautiful things.

Search for EatSmart Recipes and enjoy cooking healthy dishes with your family Search for EatSmart Recipes and enjoy cooking healthy dishes with your family.